Trademark 13x13 Spiderman Jumper Rental in Fontana
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Trademark 13x13  Spiderman Jumper

Trademark 13x13 Spiderman Jumper

    • Actual Size: 13 ft x 13 ft
    • Setup Area: 15 ft x 15 ft
    • Outlets: 1

    • Best Rates
      Base Price: Includes Overnight!  $175.00
      2-Day Pricing $262.50

    • $175.00
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SpiderMan Jumper
The SPIDER-MAN bounce house. Check out the web slinging super hero that your kids are sure to love. The SPIDER-MAN bounce house is designed with fully licensed digital artwork and Spidey's mask on top of both front vertical pillars. It is a spectacular & amazing ride that is suitable for all occasions. If your having a SpiderMan super hero party this Jumper is a must to match the decor. 

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